Ad Agency New Business: Blogging Basics You Shouldn’t Miss
I occasionally like to get back to blogging basics and this post does just that. Michael Gass, on his Fuel Lines blog, mentioned in his post 10 Tips for Writing for the Web for Ad Agency New Businesss a social media study by King Fish Media, HubSpot and Junta42, pointing out this stat:
“Businesses (agencies) that blog, get 55% more website traffic than those that don’t.”
A good stat to remember as you’re asking yourself, “Why am I blogging again, I have no time for this.”
As Michael points out, it doesn’t matter how great you write if no one finds your content and if they do find it, there’s no benefit to you unless they read it. He then lays out 10 tips to help you write more effectively for the Web. As I said earlier, always good to back to basics and the 10 tips below are great tips to blog by.
Below is the list, but I encourage you to go to Michael’s post for the full description of each:
1. Provide a Reader’s Digest or Executive Summary version.
2. Key words in every post titles.
3. Lead with the conclusion.
4. Break up long paragraphs.
5. Be sure and provide hyper links to your sources.
6. Make your content scannable to the eye.
7. Write in an Inverted Pyramid style.
8. Use common language.
9. Get to the point, quickly.
10. Make your post visually pleasing.