Ad Agency New Business: Doing it the Old Way
In our most recent survey on agency new business, Agency executives state that the top reason why they find it a lot harder to obtain new business this year, relative to years past is because it’s a lot harder to break through to prospects.
Typically, this “reason why” ranks among the higher reasons why Agency executives state they have trouble with new business.
The real eye opener is the fact that this year, 63% stated that this was a top reason – compared to only 46% in 2009 and 44% in 2008.
Why the dramatic change?
You’ve seen it…you should know why.
Your Marketing counterparts are running just as thin as you are.
Staff cutbacks, increasing pressure to do more with less has resulted in Marketers running around with their heads, arms, and legs all cut off.
So what’s a new business person to do?
Certainly not doing things the same old way.
Here’s a list of the Top 10 things Agency people don’t regularly do, but should do as part of their new business outreach program (at least based on our experience, and in my humble opinion):
1. Lead with what you know about the company – not with who you are and why you’re great;
2. Maintain a continuous flow of reach-out (versus starting and stopping);
3. Use multiple media–including social (as you don’t know what a person will respond to best);
4. Activate social media – push out blog posts via email – use other media to bring it to life;
5. Keep your foot on the gas pedal after the first meeting. The 2nd hardest part is closing the deal;
6. Keep it simple. Marketers don’t need to know your philosophy, they want to see your work;
7. Keep it up-to-date. Worst thing you can do is start your social media program, then stop;
8. Keep it balanced. I’ve seen principals get so into tweeting that they lose sight of all else;
9. Value-add constantly;
10. Define a positioning and stick to it – work to build it into all you do.
The old way is waiting for the bell to ring.
The old way is buying lists and pushing out meaningless emails.
The old way is calling and glad handing your prospects.
The old way is not organizing a well thought out, aggressive plan to obtain new business.
Do it the old way and the new world will pass by you.