Agency New Business Deserves A Multi-Media Approach
Relying on one type of outreach – or even two – may not serve your new business efforts in the best possible way.
Marketers say they learn about agencies through a variety of media. Not surprisingly, email, phone calls and industry conferences are highly-cited channels.
Results from our recent survey affirm you need to maintain your voice through them.
In addition are media – old, new, and continuously evolving – that play important roles and which deserve attention. The chart below shows the continuing importance of mailed material and the growing importance of social media and webinars.
Consider each of these:
Hard copy, snail-mailed information:
How can this be said without it being an understatement….? Digital consumption of information is ENORMOUS.
It’s grown exponentially – several times! Still, the impact of digital has not been particularly cannibalization of the new business communications pie. Digital has grown the pie.
This means printed material through traditional delivery-to-the-inbox shouldn’t be dismissed. It remains very effective.
Thirty-six percent (36%) of marketers say they look to traditional mailings for information about new agencies. Physical mailings make a statement – in the hands of your prospect – about your capabilities.
And the information doesn’t get hung up in a spam filter!
Social media:
Since our 2012 survey, social media has grown from 17% to 31% as a channel marketers tune in to when learning about new agencies.
The evolution of social media as a professional prospecting tool is considerable, and it will continue to grow in importance.
At RSW/US, we have examples of establishing contacts with for our clients through Twitter that have led to new business wins.
Increasingly, your prospects are utilizing social media on multiple platforms.
It’s probably not surprising that they LinkedIn as a preferred social media channel for making connections with new agencies, but increasingly they are using others professionally as well.
You need to be social too!
Of all means of learning about new agencies, marketers cite webinars the least at 15%. However, it’s a medium that has also grown considerably since our 2012 survey, up from 9%.
Like all agency sales communications, webinars need to present value to their audience – to existing and prospective clients. (Perhaps THAT’s the understatement here!)
Webinars need to be on strategy with the agency’s unique capabilities, and require thoughtful development and production – just like the campaigns you create for your clients!
Walk your talk…
Just as you counsel clients on employing multiple media channels to get their messages out to their target audiences, apply the same approach to their own business building efforts.
A meeting at a conference can lead to new business on occasion.
To fill, grow and sustain the new business pipeline, employ a multi-media approach that reaches prospects from multiple channels.
This will grow your brand – just like your clients’!