Ad Agency New Business: Why You Must Avoid The Shiny Objects
Last year we attended and were a sponsor at WOMMA’s WOMM-U, the school of Word of Mouth Marketing and social studies.
There were many takeaways from the several days we spent in Chicago, one being that Facebook scares me on a personal level and may take over the world, but I digress.
In all seriousness, we got a glimpse into the potential future of social and how it looks to evolve.
One facet I want to touch on in this post are the ever-increasing social platforms agencies can learn and harness for their clients, but also for themselves, in terms of getting more new business.
But those new platforms present a double-edged sword.
There is always that innate pleasure when you get in early on something like Twitter and then ride the wave.
But of course with so many new platforms presenting themselves, you’ll never get in on every one of them.
It absolutely behooves you and your agency to explore each and make your own judgment call; as you’ll see in our latest survey results coming in a few weeks (shameless plug, sorry) marketers are getting more and more savvy when it comes to social media and social analytics.
Your clients expect you to know what the latest and greatest is, as you should.
But, where agencies are still falling down, is the new business side.
Here’s Where The Shiny Objects Come In
Regardless of what shiny new platform is there and if you’re on it, unless your prospects are there-why are you investing your time and energy there?
Now-a caveat, the initial answer may be research, getting to know the platform, etc.
Far enough, however, I still see agencies every day who’ve been tweeting for quite some time and have a fairly robust number of followers and those they’re following, and yet, none of those are their prospects.
So by all means, jump on those new platforms early, but do your homework and spend that time appropriately.