Some of the best ideas for posts come from the agencies we talk to every day. A recent case in point: this week I was discussing a few facets of ad agency new business: agency specialization, prospect qualification and agencies being able to “walk the walk.” As the story goes, this agency had several […]
I wrote a post not too long ago about some rookie new business mistakes we see agencies making online (like not linking to your blog from your site, no social media buttons on your homepage, etc.). Consider this post something of a part two. A brief list below of online occurrences that, best case, will […]
If we can sing our own praises very briefly, we’ve had some strong client wins lately and one in particular that was a reminder of what you should, or really must do, before you go into that first ad agency pitch meeting. This particular RSW/US client is a B2B communications firm and their prospective client […]
Case studies are often the bane of our clients’ existence, especially at the beginning of a targeted new business effort. There’s a lot of craft that goes into any given case study (I know, I’m preaching to the choir on that point). Length, form, and content are only some of the factors that go into […]
The daunting cold call, a process that really shouldn’t be if you handle correctly, but even then, agencies often forget everyone is calling your prospects and not just your competitors. Although we actually don’t like to refer to it as cold-calling, because literally calling someone cold is ineffective, but I’m probably preaching to the choir […]