A recent note from one of our clients shows how contagious satisfaction can be. It also reinforced key points from an earlier post celebrating client feedback. First, the note. (For client confidentiality, the prospect company name has been changed.) “Mark, I hope all is well.  We just had a go-to-meeting with Acme Insurance.  The CMO […]

  Our recent webinar, Frustration Breeds Opportunity – Tensions between Agencies and Marketers, describes dynamics that increase the challenges for new business development. Just a couple among them are: 1. Marketers tend to be consolidating agencies 2. A majority of agencies express intent to be increasingly aggressive in new business activity. 2015 is almost a […]

Our e-book, 10 Agency New Business Questions, features interviews with five agency executives who have responsibility for new business within their firms. What is interesting is that each new business leader takes a slightly different approach and succeeds. Variables include inbound and outbound emphasis, channels for delivering thought leadership, even who within their respective firms […]

Here’s the scenario: You got the meeting with an ideal prospect. You have a conversation where you unearth that the company is going in a specific direction and needs services you can provide. So your team comes together to construct initial thinking and direction, incorporating ways you’ve helped past and current clients. The day comes, […]

Like cold water to the face, agencies need new business reminders every now and then. After 2008, agencies (and everyone else) got an unfortunate wake up call, and in terms of new business, realized there was no better time to get a lot better at it. Fast forward to today and clients are spending. That […]

In business, cash is the undisputed king. Even if you generate strong revenue and incur reasonable expenses, without a steady cash flow you’ll inevitably face troubled times. This is especially true for agencies that often bill for work after it’s been completed. In essence, you are financing your own services for the client. Knowing that […]

Entrepreneur recently instructed:  “Stop Trying to Kiss Your B2B Clients on the First Date“.   It’s a great analogy as advice goes on building relationships with prospective and new clients. Still, if you really want to “start dating” someone, do you give up the first time they decline an invitation to go out? One of the agencies I […]

Some interesting words from Nissan’s marketing chief, Roel de Vries in an article from The Drum, (Why is it my job to herd all these cats’? Nissan marketing chief Roel de Vries on agency relationships) where he points to “a lack of integration within agencies as the main factor for brands failing to achieve a […]


After the first meeting with a new prospect, what do you do? This is a question born out of our recent RSW/US Agency – Marketer Business Report in which 53% of marketers related that agencies are not sufficiently aggressive following up after a meeting. Getting a meeting with a new prospect can be an adrenaline-charged […]

With the release of our 2014 Agency-Marketer New Business Report, one of the more pronounced takeaways is the decreased tenure of the agency new business director (less than 2 years on average.) What’s behind it? In 2012, 53% of agencies in our survey said their new business director (NBD) was somewhat/very successful. In our current […]