Future-Proofing Your Agency Video: Be The Mountain Goat!
We survey Marketers regularly, and one of the questions we’ve asked: please assess your agency’s ability to keep pace with the evolution of digital marketing.
With only 47% of Marketers saying their agency is ahead of the “digital curve”, a lot of agencies aren’t keeping up.
Our Infographic, 8 Animal Traits You Need to Future Proof your Agency, recognizes Mountain Goats for being agile and nimble.
They can often be seen scaling seemingly vertical walls.
Of course this is physical agility; in our world it’s the intellectual, creative and even emotional agility that’s critical.
So why is being “like a mountain goat” important to Future-Proofing your agency?
Travel with us once again, to the Cincinnati Zoo, where we bring you the short video below-, answering this very question!