RSW/US Post-Webinar: Bite-Size Chunks of Agency New Business Inspiration
A reach back into the RSW/US agency new business vaults: You can watch our webinar First Meeting and Closing Effectiveness – 78% of Agencies Don’t Know Enough, here.
Neal Kielar from Agency Babylon summarized the main points from that webinar, and yuo can see those in his tweets below: bite-sized pieces of new business inspiration.
-Weak strategy and creative are top 2 reasons clients cite for displeasure with agencies
-For business development outreach, @RSWUS recommends multiple communication tools. Clients say they prefer email (easy to delete)
-However, agencies push for phone or face-to-face when reaching out to prospects, per @RSWUS
-Prospects want agencies to LISTEN in initial meetings, not present themselves. Leave the PowerPoint closed if you can.
-For agency prospects who won’t reveal budget, find ways to have them describe scope of work
-So many agencies don’t follow up adequately with prospects. Be respectful, useful, determined – but not a pest.
-#RSWUS study shows that almost 50% of agencies say it takes 2-3 months to close sale after pitch.
-Agency follow up to prospect should be aggressive at first then lighten as time passes. But always add value.
-If marketers are agency-shopping because of weak strategy, creative from incumbent show how strong yours is to break through
-Agency new business efforts must be systematic to be effective #RSWUS. I’d add: be strategic, too.