
In our latest agency new business survey report, we asked: Have you hired a full-time new business hunter/director/manager (as part of your staff) to prospect for leads for your agency in the past three years? Here’s that 3-year breakdown: 33% of new business directors at agencies last a year. 46% last 2 years. Only 21% […]

  Tenacious.  Competitive. These are just a couple of words to describe the Badger, one of the animals highlighted in our Infographic, 8 Animal Traits You Need to Future-Proof your Agency. It’s fairly obvious that these are traits an Agency needs to possess for success.  But yet another trait of the Badger is very relevant […]

As I’m talking to agencies every day, I get some perspective on the decision to use a company like RSW-US or hire an agency new business director internally. Both obviously have pros and cons, and focusing on the internal hire for the purposes of this post, a few reminders and/or questions you should consider (because […]

The great dilemma: hire an outsourced company like RSW/US or hire an internal new business person, perhaps one who has the fabled “ultimate agency new business Rolodex”-it’s a difficult decision. I’m not going to give you all the self-serving reasons why you should go with a company like ours, because we’re not always the right […]