The Ad Agency New Business Technique You’ve Never Tried
Okay, maybe you have, but this agency new business technique was a first for me.
I was talking to an agency principal last week about our services and asked how they’d been handling new business.
In answer, he related what we hear often from agencies: his desire to stay consistent with a new business reach out but struggling to find the time to do it and still take care of clients.
So his solution, or one of them I should say, is a ten dollar bet with another agency in the same office; if either of them doesn’t make at least one new business call or reach-out a day, they owe the other ten dollars.
Of course the goal is to make more than just one call, but you see the inducement strategy here.
Ten dollars a day can add up pretty quickly.
I love this personally.
It’s a bit unorthodox maybe, but what a great impetus to stick with the discipline of adding new business into your everyday routine.
Is it right for everyone, perhaps not, but you can’t fault the intent.
In this case, whatever it takes to get it done.
It would be interesting to hear other agency new business rituals; we’d love to hear them in the comments or our FB page.