RSW/US Agency New Business Tools 2014 Webinar Available Now
Our 7-17-14 Agency New Business Tools 2014 Webinar is available to view here now, with our accompanying deck on SlideShare here.
In the “RSW/US-Mirren 2014 New Business Tools Webinar,” RSW/US Director of Business Development Lee McKnight Jr. digs into report results and provides comparisons, perspective and insight into nine new business tool categories agencies are using for new business.
Lee also delves deeper into the report’s findings, providing you a road map for the best and most effective tool choices available for agency new business.
More specifically, the following questions are answered:
• What tools are agencies using and why?
• What changes have occurred in usage compared to last year’s survey?
• What new tools are your peers using that may benefit your new business efforts?
• If resources are limited (and they usually are) what are the top 3-5 tools we recommend.