
I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised when I read our latest National survey among marketers: 2013 RSW/US Agency-Marketer National survey. We always knew that agency specialization was important. We see it every day when we represent our clients.  The tighter we can be when we reach out on their behalf by either shouting […]

In a recent conversation with an agency principal, she was discussing the difficulty in finding better new business techniques to break through to prospects, which undoubtedly, is a large part of the new business challenge. Part of our service at RSW/US is doing just that, but if you’re handling agency new business in-house,   A […]

The last two searches we’ve managed on the RSW/AgencySearch side of our business (one for Mercy Health in Michigan and the other for Legrand) – while different in a good number of respects, were very similar in terms of their new business outcome. These guys know their stuff! In both cases, the marketers stated that […]

I was reading a post from Steve W. Martin’s Heavy Hitter Sales Blog called Top Reasons Salespeople Lose Business and reading the below quote, agency differentiation loomed large in my mind: The vendor we chose has a group of smart, dedicated, customer-oriented people. To a great degree, I don’t think their products and services are different […]

As I’m talking to agencies every day, I get some perspective on the decision to use a company like RSW-US or hire an agency new business director internally. Both obviously have pros and cons, and focusing on the internal hire for the purposes of this post, a few reminders and/or questions you should consider (because […]

We did a Pennsylvania tour of duty this week with a few wonderful new clients and on the way home in the Pittsburgh airport, had a quick bite and beverage at The Burgh Sportz Bar. (Which despite the use of the Z where an S should be, is quite affordable for an airport and is […]

Elevator Pitch

Working to help agencies win new business on a daily basis, one of the toughest things, especially initially, to nail down is overall messaging and part of that being the elevator pitch. More specifically, concise messaging-that says what the agency does, how they’re different from their competition and how they might help a prospect. Inevitably, […]